Thursday, February 11, 2010

Implementing Strategies of Instruction

Plee answer the following:

1. How would you go about matching a teacher's style and the learner's styles?

2. Comment on the paragraph below:
" Instructional strategies, styles of teaching and teaching skills are all selected, adopted, and implemented to promote accomplishing instructional goals and objectives. The ultimate purpose of all strategies, styles, models, and skills is fostering student achievement."

Thank you.



  1. 1.) I had a previous demo teaching with kids aged 10 years old and I taught them nouns, adjectives, and verbs. Since most of the kids are very hyperactive, I let them used examples which interest them. I used the learner-centered type which is 70% talking from my students and 30% from me. For example, Harry Potter, Schools, House. Maybe if I will be teaching Mathematics in the future and will handle High School Level Students, I will make more researches on how to apply (e.g. Trigonometry) in real life situations to make it student-centered somehow. Nonetheless, Trigonometry is one of the most difficult subjects in engaging students in real life situations.

    2.) The paragraph above is true since the ultimate goal of any school is to produce graduates who can be competitive in the real world, who can adapt to challenges, and make adjustments as they go along the way. Therefore, the teacher has a very big influence on how a child, adolescent, or an adult will learn not just inside the classroom but on how they will apply it outside the four corners of their room.

  2. The teachers'style of teaching should depend on the learning style of the students to be able to accomplish the main goal of teaching which is the learner should learn what needs to be learn. I will use different strategies inside the classroom to accommodate different styles of learning of students so they will be given the chance to learn effectively and to let them show their ability in expressing their answers. In this way they will also be expose to some other learning and teaching styles that they can probably get used to it and be able to adjust or be flexible they will might soon be able to adopt to different kinds of learning and teaching style which will be a great help on both the teacher and students.

    2.Well suited strategies, styles of teaching and teaching skills play a very important role to the fulfillment of the instructional goal and objectives, therefore it should be really be executed at all times or whenever possible. These strategies should be carefully be studied and tested to actual students to know its effectiveness and flaws to be able to develop other options that will be well suited to students.

  3. 1.Pupils learn in many different ways. So as a teacher I should find a personal way of learning for each student. More often than not, I think that educators adjust to the pupil's learning style, that's why variety is very important. Some students learn visually, others by listening. It is a must that teachers include all the students in learning, that's why he should not stick with one style of teaching.

    2. Student achievement is improved by the way a teacher educate the learner. Teachers should provide supportive environment that encourage total development of all students. They have the power to stimulate or demotivate students, a good educator is someone who can arise the attention of his students...a large part of teaching depends on motivation, personality and how a teacher executes the lesson. A teacher should be creative and have a flexible teaching style so he would be able to cater all his students.

  4. 1. First I have to identify the needs of the learners. This will serves a cue for the teacher to select appropriate learning style that suit for the students needs. This procedure will increase the learning outcome of the students. The success of the whole program will be depending on the implementation of the teacher. This only means that the strategy must work for each of the teacher. I strongly believe that the school must constantly source external training for the teacher which could address of matching of teacher’s style and learner’s style.

    2. This statement shows the important of curriculum alignment. Every curriculum has goals and objectives. This goals and objective is carefully design for the student which every school aim for the students becomes productive in the society. The instructional strategies, style of teaching and teaching skills will support this goals and objective. The curriculum is one whole system that each part must perfectly align to the goal and objective. To further understand this let us think of a car. The goal and objective of the car is to bring the driver comfortably in point A to point B. To achieve this goal/objective the car must in perfect condition where all parts are in good condition. It will defeat the goal/objective if one of the parts will fail. The curriculum also acts like on my example. Every part has a unique role and there should be have an interaction to each other that said to be vital in accomplishing instructional goals and objectives.

  5. !. I guess that as a teacher you go down to the learner’s level but maintaining their respect to you. You should give your lessons in the way they can understand.
    You should give activities that include their interests as well as moral values on it.

    2. I believe that teachers have different styles, different models, skills and strategies in teaching that should help develop the students be a better person. As a teacher, you will have to find what is effective for your student. You just cannot copy what the other teachers do. And impose it to your student, I know it won’t work. You should know the needs of your students.

  6. 1. the teacher must be observant to his or her students so that he can apply the different learning style to his or her students.

    2. it means that even if that educator have different style in teaching but still it has 1 goal that we must help our student to learn

  7. sir i was wondering why my answer in this post is missing? i posted it last feb26, the same date i posted my answer in teaching profession... anyway, i still have a copy of my answer, i'll just repost my answer again. i apologize but i really don't know why it happened.

    1. Styles, techniques, and methods in teaching are designed and developed in order to meet the needs of the learner in order for them to learn. It’s like teacher as a peg and student is a hole. If the peg does not fit into the hole chances are the peg would break or the hole would lose its shape. Every person has different personality and identity. Teachers must be equipped with these strategies and techniques because students are unpredictable and peculiar in many ways. They say it’s not the song but it’s the singer makes the difference.
    2. Truly I agree but it doesn’t necessarily follow that you will apply all the techniques and strategies to a single student. With one certain strategy or two, adopted and applied to every student, we are able to instill the knowledge to the child. If we are in a battlefield, and we have to kill the opponent in front of us, the tendency is to use the weapons that we have at hand. We don’t do trial and errors on that very moment, the ultimate goal is to strike him at any cause before he kills us. Like in teaching, specific but effective strategy, technique, style, or model is used to every student in order to achieve the objectives we set beforehand.
